Sunday, June 14, 2009

I like being Chunky

Last year in Cyclo-Club Josh introduced Chunk Riding (I think it was alos mentioned on a CD in SPEED when, but I don't recall that one as well), I put the idea on the back burner as I had some pretty short times to train. This summer, I'm less busy, and when the weather's warm (not too often so far) I want to spend a little longer on the bike.

So Tuesday night I knew I wanted to do something w/ hills and my favorite hill interval takes 30 minutes drive to get to (which cuts into riding time). So I picked a ride with a lot of rollers, now I should mention I tried a shorter version the Tuesday before but I was way too tired from work and I was not dressed warm enough, so this week I made sure I had my leg mojo on (Sports Blam) so I would not wimp out. I took a nice long warm-up to get to the really good rollers, and did 3x 10' z4 rollers (10'); then rode through a couple of the nice little towns in Southern Ontario, and got headed in the direction of home, and did one big massive flatish road 20' z4 interval, and then cooled down for 25' on the way home. So I had an 80 km ride that was very enjoyable and was a fantastic workout.

NOW I do wish I could sound like a Cyclo-CLUB fanatic and tell you all that I did COOL in 5' when I got home, but "My Bad." I did do my SPEED AB work out and BREATH on Wednesday a.m.

Saturday's group ride I rode a few Massive effort chunks and made everyone wounder what the heck I was on.

SO, I'm training a little less structured this summer than the past two but I'm defiantly stronger, never mind add in the new (to me) bike and not many people can keep up with me... Oh I love going FAST!!!!

1 comment:

Tightwads of PDX! said...

Love this write-up, and really glad to hear that you're having so much fun with your training (and improving!). Hope we get the chance to ride together in person one of these days... maybe we'll have a CLUB function some place warm-ish this winter :)