Monday, February 11, 2013

The Weekend in San Francisco area

This was a weekend of visiting and fellowship.
I started the weekend off by taking a drive with my bike down to San Jose to meet up with Clyde Floyd who is setting up a FCA Endurance huddle group for the Bay Area, we took a nice ride which included the climb and most of the 2011 (they were not sure of the year) Tour of California' Time Trial. We then stopped at David's house and had our photo taken. That is Clyde's daughter-in-law Christy, Clyde, me and the "other" David.

Floyd and I then spent the afternoon "fellowshipping" talking about how and what he hopes to do with FCA Endurance in the area, it looks like a lot of good work will come out of this.

It was a quite night for me then I woke up to a cold room it was 3°C outside and my room was around 10! the two little heaters could not keep up with such freezing cold weather. I sat huddled under a blanket on the sofa reading part of the morning then went around the corner to have French toast with hippies, the had organic whole grain bread French Toast with free range egg batter, Free Trade Coffee and all for just a few bucks, by now it's warmed up to a very sunny 9°C and I figure with as much sun and NO clouds I can ride in the cold... So I pack up the bike and head over to San Francisco, I ended up taking the wrong exit so I got to drive through the Streets of San Francisco, once I arrived I had to drive around a while for a parking space, and then unpacked the bike and headed over the Golden Gate Bridge to the Golden Gate park. Where there are the "hulls" of WWII Batteries, the bunkers were built but the guns were not installed because the war ended.

Once I returned to the car I then went back over the Bridge to Golden Gate Seminary, and met up with my friend Kevin Trick who is studying for his D.Min.  We went out for lunch then spent the afternoon "fellowshipping" and catching up. He plans to do a half Iron Man in the fall so he wanted to get in a run before the sun set, and I wanted to get home before the sun set.


Clyde said...

David, It was such a pleasure to ride with you, although I know we din't push you very hard :-) Christy (my daughter in law) worked hard, and enjoyed the words of wisdom that you shared with her.

Of course riding is one thing, but spending time fellowshiping and sharing means so much more, and it was a great day! Blessings on the rest of your journey!

Unknown said...

Thanks Clyde I've edited it again and it was a pleasure to meet with you and hear the plans of FCA Endurance in the Bay area! 1 Cor 9:24-27 "Ride in such a way to win The Prize"