Monday, March 9, 2009

Fat Loss Boot Camp Day 1

It seems the disk is full over at Cyclo-Club, too many people trying to get into the best shape possible, Graeme's becoming the new "Jack O'Lane"

For my Fat-Loss week I chose to do the Cyclo-SPIN 5 to try and test my LT/Zone 4. The first time I thought it was just a Zone 4 workout, this time I went back and did the testing again.

With such a short warm up my first round is just the warm up, the second one was "OK" I thought my LT was around 171-2. on the second run, never felt like I was going to get in trouble, nor did I ever feel I was pushing that hard, I was 1 minute behind Graeme on the second round and two bpm below him. My uncertainty is either:
1.) I'm so used to thrashing my body I don't feel trashed out,
2.) my LT is higher than I think and I should try to "pop" during the test...

So to date I don't know if I'm doing this class right or wrong.

Day one done on the Fat Loss Bootcamp.... Frustrated.


TiGirl said...

Hey..I just started it today, too. And I did the spin test, too.

I don't think you want to "pop" on this is more a submaximal test than maximum effort, like a VO2Max test would be.

In fact, you don't want to feel "trashed" after a test like this...tired and fatigued, yes, but not totally wasted.

The one thing, though is that you can't go into the test saying "I'm going to do this target HR today"...You have to go in and just push it to the limit without going overboard. My guess is that when you saw where you were, you backed off b/c you might exceed Graeme's limit or some other mental game limiter.

Throw away expectations next time you do this test, and live in the moment, for the moment. See what happens!!!

Face it my friend, you're doing the work, you're doing it right, and you're getting fitter...expect improvements!

Unknown said...

Your beginning to sound like Graeme.... LOL