Saturday, March 21, 2009

Neuro "break-outs"

Last year I did not always use the Neuro workouts, I thought a good hard workout is way more important. UNTIL my dad was up visiting when I have the Texas Bar-B-Q (Second weekend in September, right before cross), and I have to watch the smoker all day long, so I had a Neuro/Cyclo-CLIMB day. Well, was he impressed about the whole Neuro workout, I did the Warm-up, Climb, then 3 sets of 8' ZEN and then SPEED 4, and finally finihsed with the Gauntlet.

Well, dad was impressed, he is a M.D. and reads a lot, and he read a study done on people who have done "ballancing" tasks during their life and how much mentaly healthier they were, and the had exersize recomendations (not as exahustive) to do. He could not say enough good words about that workout routine.

That said, today when it was cold out, rather than bundiling up and just riding, or doing Spin class #7, I did my week 1 of Build Neuro workout, and used my rollers for the cycling section to make me that much smoother and "more in touch". Good ride, and I can stand out of the saddle on the rollers now for 40"!

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