Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fat loss and Drywall

Well, I got board trying to figure out what to do each week so I figured I'd do a fat loss plan this week as a transition.

Yea, as I've got a Commercial Tenant turn over. Drywall and Sheetrock 45 and move move move! Whew.

Well, Monday I did start off with OTG #2 Never used the workouts Just the Abs, Breath and Al's Knee fixer. Interesting workout, but I then added the Back in 5' and Cyclo-Breath w/o the video... Graeme says do it on your own, plus it on DVD and I'd have to get the power supply for my note book to run it and too lazy at 6:oo a.m.

Tuesday I was up and going to do the Climb Tuscany, I love that video/workout, but the Dogs (3 year old lab, 10 month old border colie, & a 11 week old Lab) were in need of a dog sitter before I went to work so I worked on a Bible study instead. The trainer workout are down stars and I'm a little bit too involved with them... The Core workouts I can do w/ my laptop in the living room and the dogs just lay around me. When I'm down stairs the destroy the house.

Thursday night's work out (According to Fat loss) is going to Cyclo-CLIMB unless I'm wasted from work, which is a good posiblity!

1 comment:

Fat Loss said...

thanks, your article is very informative.